Adaptive, multiresolution representation of a machine part; with exactly resolved features (edges, corners); top: 5% error; middle: 1% error; finest level mesh
CS 175: Topics in Geometric Modeling
Spring 2006

This course covers classical approaches to (and recent advances in) geometric modeling for computer-aided geometric design and graphics applications.


  • classic splines - theory and practice
    • Bernstein Bezier form, de Casteljau algorithm, knot insertion, polar forms and blossoming, degree elevation
  • subdivision surfaces
    • Chaikin's algorithm, subdivision schemes of Loop, Catmull-Clark, and Butterfly

We shall study the underlying mathematical theory and explore implementation techniques for efficient algorithms.

9 units (3-3-3); third term.
Prerequisite: permission of instructor

Instructor: Prof. Peter Schröder
TAs: Ke Wang (theory assignments)
Office hour: JRG 164D (X8334), Wed 4:00-5:00pm
Liliya Kharevych (programming assignments)
Office hour: JRG 160F (X6846), Mon 4:00-5:00pm
Time and Place: Tue. and Thu. 1:00-2:25pm, Steele 125
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Copyright © 2005 Ke Wang